christmas gift guide!
Sunday 7 December 2014 // 0 comment(s)

this is a gift guide for someone special in your life. a gift guide for a very specific someone. someone with pink hair + fat thighs + a penchant for donuts & one direction. me. this is a gift guide for me. buy me nice things.

Kikki K Large 2015 Diary - $36.95
i think diaries are great christmas gifts, the kikki k ones are my absolute favourite!

for anyone who is a real tough cookie.

ASOS Kitten Snack Boxes
very sadly, these keep selling out but every now + then they come back into stock. just think about all the tiny snacks you could keep in these! tiny grapes! tiny carrots! tiny almonds!

Etsy Bee Hair Pins by Luxebuffalo - $18.33
i loves me some bees. these are just really pretty + simple + i want ten.

Adolescent Clothing Anti-You Sweater - $48.03
this sweater combines my two favourite things: comfortable lounging wear + social detachment.

Etsy Harry Styles Pin by Dunkleeandthames - $10.00
this beautiful piece of art is currently sold out because both myself + lauren bought them. IM SORRY OKAY. BUT LOOK AT CRANKY BEAUTIFUL BABY BEEHTOVEN HARRY STYLES THAT I CAN WEAR ON MY COAT LAPEL FOREVER. HOW COULD I RESIST?!?!?! i believe there will be more for sale after the christmas season but this store has a range of boy band paraphernalia for your non-threatening heart throb needs.

Too Faced's Everything Nice Set - $74.00
so glitter, so pink, so nice.

Too Faced's La Belle Carousel - $65.00
i know that these two sets are very similar but they're both very beautiful + special in their own ways.

Modcloth Dazzling In The Daytime Dress - $89.99
this is the most perfect christmas time dress. i want to perch by a fire in it + drink hot cocoa + sweat completely through it because it's currently summer in australia.

Lush Santa Baby Lip Tint - $9.95
a nice little stocking stuffer for under $10

perfect for any lana del rey babygirl wannabe in your life.

Topshop Little Mermaid Pajamas - $52.00
im not sure if these are in stock yet in australia but how perfect are they!! cheaper than peter alexander pajamas + much cuter than their current disney collection.

Modcloth Dazzling Dame Necklace in Black - $24.95
Modcloth Berry Good Harvest Necklace in Greenery - $24.95

Nars Matte Velvet Lip Pencil in Dragon Girl - $34.00
i dont need this. oh, this is the one taylor swift wears? oh, okay, yes in that case give me five.

Kmart Makeup Organiser - $7.00
Kmart have a range of makeup/bathroom organisers from $5 - $9 that i think make really great stocking stuffers.
also doubles as a shrine to 1d.

Lush Honey Wrapped Set - US$49.95
this is only available in the US + im so sad about it. australia lush needs to pick their game up.

for your more crafty loved ones.

you should definitely buy me these things, its what baby jesus would have wanted. but if not i hope it at least gave you some nice gift ideas for someone else! 

♡ nicole burgers ♡

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