The Liebster Award
Sunday 9 November 2014 // 1 comment(s)

i have been tagged by the very lovely akira + shannen to take part in the liebster award. i am not a hundred percent sure i am doing this correctly so please bear with. it feels like i am doing a myspace quiz aka my favourite past time ages 14 to 18.

Shannen's Questions
1. Who are you and where do you come from?
nicole burgers + i currently live in beverly hills.

2. What is the one thing you never leave home without?
my phone/water bottle/blotting papers.

3. If you could travel to anywhere and/or any event, where or what would it be?
i want to go disneyland during halloween + christmas. it is my one true dream to experience an american christmas with snow.

4. What is your favourite thing to do to cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?
TREAT YO SELF. spend large amounts of money on things i dont need.

5. What is the one beauty product you couldn't live without?
oh god. soap, deoderant and skin care stuff if we're being real. but also the mask of magnaminty face mask from lush.

6. What is your dream item of clothing, and why?
a pink leather jacket or just a really well fitting pair of high waisted jeans that give me a big fat ass. a girl can dream.

7. Do you have a favourite memory from school, and if so what is it?
probably art class with muma years 9 to 12. also this one week allie was super nice to me (right before i moved to sydney i think) + she bought me breakfast every morning + put the sid & nancy soundtrack on my ipod + just did lots of nice things to make me feel better.

8. What do you think your life would be like if social media had never been invented? What do you think you'd be doing instead?
id never have known who one direction was and id sleep easily at night.

9. Is there a song or artist that you listen to every day, who/what is it, and why?
no, not really.

10. What are the top five things on your bucket list?
i dont have a bucket list! i cant think that far ahead! nothing in life is permanent!

11. If you could blog for any company or any event, who or what would it be?
one direction hire me to run their official instagram + blog. just pay me to take photos of them + upload them with sexy puns as captions. do this for me.

Akira's Questions
1. Introduce yourself! Who are you, what is your blog about, and where do you come from?
nicole burgers, beverly hills. my blog is a right mess, but usually just stuff im into at the moment + some daily life stuff.

 2. What inspired you to start blogging?
allie + i having a weeklong sleepover + being like "dude. we should totally make blogs." and now here we are.

3. If you could instantly be great at one talent, hobby, or sport, what would it be, and why?
anything i could make money from. im not gonna lie, mama needs to eat. (im sorry for calling myself mama.) or being able to make clothes.

 4. What is your favourite meal to eat? And to make?
oh god this is so hard. to eat im gonna say christmas food, like a roast + puddings + christmas cookies. my favourite meal to make is devilled sausages with mashed pumpkin, its not exciting but its my favourite comfort food.

5. What is your favourite thing to blog about? And to read about?
anything to do with lists tbh. i like doing life posts but i dont like asking people if its alright to put them on here or having to take photos in public etc. so i rarely do them. my favourite blogs to read are makeup collection + storage ones or vlogs.

6. What is one thing you love about yourself?
i can sleep through anything.

7. If you were to ever appear in a TV show or movie, what would it be, and what would your character be like?
a new season of AHS where i end up with sarah paulson's character. nothing scary or bad happens at all, we are just very happy together in our new life.

 8. What is one material possession you cannot live without?
my heart would truly break if i lost my macbook or my panic! at the disco hoodie.

 9. What is your dream holiday or destination?
i really want to go to dubai!!!

10. Are you a cat person, a dog person, or an other type of animal person?
i love all the little animals but definitely cats. let me carry them around like babies.

11. What is your favourite book? TV Show? Movie? Band/Musical Artist?
invisible monsters, pretty little liars, the wedding singer, brand new or bright eyes.

okay so i know im supposed to tag a bunch of blogs to do this but im very late to the party + everyone who i would tag has already done it. so i would like instead for you, yes you reading this, to answer the questions below + carry this on yourself (tag me so i can see it though!). you dont have to have a blog or blogspot account, just answer the 11 questions below on your tumblr + tag 11 people to answer 11 NEW questions you've come up with. get to it little goose!

My Questions For You
1. What's your name + what's your blog about?
2. What is an app that you regularly use?
3. If you could meet one person from the internet who would it be + why?
4. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
5. Tell me about your siblings (if you have any.)
6. What is the one beauty product you can't live without?
7. What is the best costume you've ever worn?
8. What is a tattoo you would like to get?
9. What is the most thoughtful gift someone has given you?
10. How did your parents meet?
11. What are your favourite pajamas?

♡ nicole burgers ♡

Blogger Akira Meow said on 9 November 2014 at 22:31  

Are you being serious about the dubai thing? Nuffnang are hosting a giveaway for a holiday to Dubai - go on insty, I think the hashtag is nndubaidreams !!! (This sounds like spam but I'm just excited)

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